Hydrogen measurement The MRU H2-Analysers A suitable device for every application Whether for hydrogen production (e.g. pyrolysis) or for hydrogen slip analysis after combustion – MRU's ready-to-measure H2 analyzers are a unique, industrial solution for pyrolysis plants gas power plants oil rigs electrolysis plants fuel cells or hydrogen powered burners (H2 slip) Links to products details: OPTIMA MGAprime VARIOluxx syngas 400GD 500GD Back
Training of our partners from Korea and Indonesia Partners from Far East visited our factory for training purposes Read more
World Market Leader Bitzer uses 400GD und 500GD Bitzer Kühlmaschinenbau in Rottenburg-Ergenzingen in Germany now uses four MRU 400GD and 500GD for its leak detection. The world market leader in the… Read more
MGAprimeQ - Portable Automatic Measuring System (PAMS) suitable as an alternative method for the standardreference method for calibrating and validating stationary AMS in the context of QAL2 and AST in accordancewith EN 14181 Read more
VARIOluxx - Our new portable stack gas emission analyser for long time measurements of industrial combustions Suitable for precise low NOx measurements and other toxic gas emissions measurements according to new MCP Directive 2015/2193 Read more
New stationary biogas analyser: SWG 100 BIOcompact Cost effective stationary biogas analyser for discontinuous measurements Read more
MRU-Measuring units now available for Biogas - Applications Handheld, compact case or stationary - MRU offers Biogas measuring and monitoring systems for a wide variety of needs. Read more